Mentions légales

Sustainability reaches further than only object of venture

Zimmermann is committed to the environment and sustainability in several areas.

This begins on a small scale with the assumption of the costs of maintaining local green spaces. It continues with certified energy management according to ISO 50001 and the use of environmentally friendly materials, e.g. no plastic in product packaging or the use of environmentally friendly lacquers for coating our brake discs.

Now we go one step further and give bees a home.

The honeybee faces many challenges. In our modern society many new challenges have arisen within a very short time, which bees can no longer master without help. The habitat of insects, especially bees, is threatened. We have decided to provide exactly this habitat on our company sites and to support the beekeeper.

In this way we too can make a small contribution to preserving the inestimable value of the honeybee for the ecosystem. A task that will accompany us through the seasons and, we are sure, will bring us much joy.